De laatste tijd valt me ineens weer meer op dat ik zo in gedachten kan zijn, een soort van mist om me heen waarneem. Dan kan ik inene schrikken van het niet nu aanwezig te zijn. Ik merk ook dat als ik dat waarneem ik niet echt liefdevol naar mezelf reageer. Ik keur het af […] van Schalkwijk van Schalkwijk2018-09-20 22:48:122018-10-24 10:04:56Every moment... van Schalkwijk van Schalkwijk2018-08-28 21:42:432020-06-18 11:18:01Vastness of the Sky
Dear one! Remember, only that which you can take with you when you leave the body is important. That means, except meditation, nothing is important. Except awareness, nothing is important, because only awareness cannot be taken away by death. Everything else will be snatched away, because everything else comes from without. Only awareness wells up […] van Schalkwijk van Schalkwijk2018-08-28 18:41:052020-06-18 11:15:14Your only wealth
Become silent. Close your eyes. No movement, as if you are just a stone statue. Now, go in … deeper and deeper. Fearlessly, penetrate like an arrow, to the very center of your being …Remember that you are only a watcher. You are neither the body nor the mind, but only a mirror reflecting, without […] van Schalkwijk van Schalkwijk2018-08-13 08:00:552018-08-13 08:01:02Penetrate to the centre
Take life as easily as possible. But people don’t understand me. I say to them: “Life is a mystery. It is not to be solved but to be lived.” And somebody has asked me, “Osho, when you said that, I heard, “Life is a MISERY, not to be solved but to be lived.” That is […] van Schalkwijk van Schalkwijk2018-08-10 03:26:332018-08-10 03:27:18Take life as easy as possible van Schalkwijk van Schalkwijk2018-08-10 03:10:502018-08-10 03:19:11Act Consiously
Every moment…
/0 Reacties/in Anand, Bewustzijn /door Anand van SchalkwijkDe laatste tijd valt me ineens weer meer op dat ik zo in gedachten kan zijn, een soort van mist om me heen waarneem. Dan kan ik inene schrikken van het niet nu aanwezig te zijn. Ik merk ook dat als ik dat waarneem ik niet echt liefdevol naar mezelf reageer. Ik keur het af […]
Vastness of the Sky
/0 Reacties/in Anand, Meditatie /door Anand van SchalkwijkLight Up Remember the Vastness of the Ocean or the Sky Let everything else pass by … Anand
Your only wealth
/0 Reacties/in Meditatie, Osho /door Anand van SchalkwijkDear one! Remember, only that which you can take with you when you leave the body is important. That means, except meditation, nothing is important. Except awareness, nothing is important, because only awareness cannot be taken away by death. Everything else will be snatched away, because everything else comes from without. Only awareness wells up […]
Penetrate to the centre
/0 Reacties/in Meditatie, Osho /door Anand van SchalkwijkBecome silent. Close your eyes. No movement, as if you are just a stone statue. Now, go in … deeper and deeper. Fearlessly, penetrate like an arrow, to the very center of your being …Remember that you are only a watcher. You are neither the body nor the mind, but only a mirror reflecting, without […]
Take life as easy as possible
/0 Reacties/in Meditatie, Osho /door Anand van SchalkwijkTake life as easily as possible. But people don’t understand me. I say to them: “Life is a mystery. It is not to be solved but to be lived.” And somebody has asked me, “Osho, when you said that, I heard, “Life is a MISERY, not to be solved but to be lived.” That is […]
Act Consiously
/0 Reacties/in Meditatie, Osho /door Anand van SchalkwijkYour daily life is your temple, and your religion. Act in awareness, act consciously, and many things will start changing. Osho